+27 021 701 7917

“When it comes to price increases, smaller is always better.” That’s why we are keeping our annual increases to a bare minimum, and only in direct alignment with cost increases from our suppliers.

It is that time of year again.

Renlaw will be implementing a small price increase as from 1 March 2024.

The increase will be in line with annual cost increases and will vary by product.

We realise that as a manufacturer and supplier to a wide variety of industries, including poultry, packaging and tray sealers, the automotive industry, food manufacturers, the leather and tannery industry, and many, many more, every price increase has a knock on effect.

As a small but essential cog in the larger consumer production machine, we understand how the accumulation of small changes can influence the price of end-products, not just for our customers, but for yours as well.

We will do our utmost to keep our prices competitive without it in any way affecting our high quality machine tooling production.

Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact you account manager or our head-office on +27 (0)21 7017917

To take advantage of 2023 pricing, please place your orders before 24 February 2024.